
Can bad memory be a sign of higher intelligence? What should parents of school-age children know?

We’re often told that having a great memory is the key to success, especially for students. After all, you need to memorize all those facts, dates, formulas, and concepts to do well on tests and excel academically, right? However, new research suggests that forgetting some information may make you smarter.

Can bad memory be a sign of higher intelligence? What should parents of school-age children know? Read More »

Understanding Childhood Procrastination: A Powerful Guide for Parents

Procrastination, often perceived as a lapse in self-regulation, is characterized by postponing tasks despite knowing the potential negative consequences. The insightful words of Edward Young, an English poet renowned for his reflective works, ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ (Young, 1854), elegantly capture the essence of this habit, originating from the Latin ‘pro’ (for) and ‘crastinus’ (about tomorrow).

Understanding Childhood Procrastination: A Powerful Guide for Parents Read More »

Equipping Kids with Exceptional Life Skills Using Elucidation

Explore the transformative power of elucidation for kids with Dr. Wallace Panlilio II, Educator and Author of “Wisest Learners.” Discover effective methods to answer children’s questions that nurture curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Join us as Dr. Panlilio II discusses the concept of elucidation for parents and educators.

Equipping Kids with Exceptional Life Skills Using Elucidation Read More »

Navigating Childhood Procrastination: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Delays in Learning

Procrastination, often perceived as a lapse in self-regulation, is characterized by postponing tasks despite knowing the potential negative consequences. The insightful words of Edward Young, an English poet renowned for his reflective works, ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ (Young, 1854), elegantly capture the essence of this habit, originating from the Latin ‘pro’ (for) and

Navigating Childhood Procrastination: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Delays in Learning Read More »

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